On 18 May 2019, the Cape Town Museum in partnership with Africa Unite, hosted an Inter High School Africa Day quiz. The event took place at the Cape Metro Council Chambers and six schools participated.
Heideveld High School emerged as the winners with Rosendaal High School from Delft second and Portlands High School from Mitchell’s Plain third. The other participating schools were Apex High School (Eerste River), Masibambane Secondary School (Kraaifontein) and Nelson Mandela High School (Nyanga). Below are some photos of the event.
Dr Zahid Badroodien, member of the City of Cape Town Mayoral Committee, welcomed the learners on behalf of the City.
Neliswa Dludla, an activist and Africa Unite peer educator introduced the history and purpose of Africa Day
Learners listening attentively
Learners listening attentively
Learners listening attentively
Learners listening attentively
The winners, Heideveld High School receives the trophy from Bongeka Gumede from Africa Unite and Helene Vollgraaff from the Cape Town Museum
The winners, Heideveld High School receives the trophy from Bongeka Gumede from Africa Unite and Helene Vollgraaff from the Cape Town Museum