World AIDS Day Commemoration (4 December 2024)
Join the Cape Medical Museum and the Cape Town Museum for a World AIDS Day event that focuses on young boys and their sexual health. Intended for boys between the ages of 13-17 years, the theme of the event is “Conversations with a Boy Child”.
The purpose of the day is to:
Raise awareness of the HIV/AIDS pandemic
Raise awareness of ways to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Promote sexual health among boys
Discuss teenage pregnancy and boys’ role in it
Discuss issues that boys face as they start their journey to becoming sexually active.
The Programme is as follows:
Opening and welcoming - Tsepelang Kose (MC)
Ice breaker - Cape Town Museumt/Cape Medical Museum staff
Purpose of the day - Bongiwe Maliwa
Introduction of guests - MC
Guest speaker - Nurse from Greenpoint Clinic
Q & A Session
Guest speaker - Silumko Makonxa (Men's Clinic)
Q & A Session
Closing remarks from the floor
Vote of thanks – Bongiwe Maliwa
Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, December 4 2024
Time: 12h00 – 14h00
Location: Cape Medical Museum - Old City Hospital Complex. Portswood Road, Green Point
To attend, please RSVP to Bongiwe Maliwa